by Ray Atia, The migration of EDI users from VAN to a web-based solution will increase more and as the internet develops. Today businesses are still using their EDI VAN's due to EDI systems that were already built specifically to connect and use a specific VAN. This situation will slowly will go away as company's start develop and use new Web-Based EDI solutions. EDI Web-Based solution have more flexibility towards changes, updates and modifications to new EDI versions and EDI standards. The new EDI generation of application will allow users of size to implement EDI solutions faster then ever. EDI usage will increase due to the lower price available and due to the huge competition in this market. Up until a few years back, companies who wanted to implement EDI solution and start business relations with others had to invest substantial amount of money in order to be EDI compatible and that�s something that small companies could not afford and because of the high price of EDI solutions, companies avoided using EDI at all. Now that some companies like Amosoft started to provide EDI Web-Based solutions and in a much lower price than what it used to be, then companies will be more interested and willing to start using EDI solutions. Also these companies offer a full integration will most popular ERP system (i.e. QuickBooks, PeatchTree, and others) and support them as well, so users will not have to enter information twice once to the EDI Web-Based system and once to their ERP system, saving time and human typing errors. Today when companies are doing business in the speed of light, what they need is a reliable electronic system to be able to communicate with other accounting packages and other EDI systems quickly an easily and share the business information between ERP systems and EDI systems. When companies look to start doing business with other companies, those other companies called Trading Partners. Every Trading Partner might be using a different EDI system and ERP system. I would consider a full EDI service as an EDI company who also integrate their EDI solutions with the customer ERP system. Some ERP systems have an Import/Export routine and that how a user can import data form text/excel file into his/her ERP system, but what if the ERP system does not have Import and Export routine? Well, in this case a user won't be able to communicate between the ERP system and the EDI system, something that going to cause the user to enter the data twice. That�s where an EDI company who wants to provide a full EDI service should step in and build some type of component that let those two systems communicate with each other. I believe that the future use of EDI system with VAN will decrease. Percent of EDI Transactions Amosoft EDI Amosoft EDI provides EDI Services. |
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